Teachers in the bilingual classroom
Teachers face many challenges in their typical classroom on an average day yet acknowledging that approximately 20-50% of their students may be bilingual is important to know. Addressing bilingual children's and their parents' needs is imperative. Enrichment of both languages is recommended and can be done in a way that can expose the rest of the students to the language and culture of others.
Bilingualism Matters @ BIU.IL offers interested teachers and principals workshops in schools which provide background about addressing bilingualism and biculturalism.
Bilingualism Matters @ BIU.IL memebers are happy to meet up in schools in order to work out policies and and relate to pressing questions which may be relevant to a specific school.
Bilingualism Matters @ BIU.IL's research has been funded by the Ministry of Education in Israel.

רוצים לדעת עוד?
Teachers' training in "Kulna Yahad", Tel Aviv-Yaffo ended in June. Carmit Altman, Elinor Saiegh-Haddad and Sharon Armon-Lotem offer training for teachers on bilingualism at school and beyond, developing reading and narrative skills in two languages.
מה תגידו להורים ששואלים?
From COST Action IS0804
For Teachers
Raise public awareness about multilingualism and multiculturalism in societal and educational contexts by providing information and advice for parents, educators, health providers and policymakers.
Encourage development of tools for parents to maintain the home language and to raise the awareness of teachers and clinicians about the need to include the home language in assessment procedures and intervention plans.
Influence state policy about multilingualism by promoting bilingualism in the education system, by encouraging employment of multilingual staff and interpreters in the health system and by developing and making available multilingual communal services.
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