Speech and Language Therapist in a Multilingual World
Speech and language therapists have often been trained to work with monolingual children. Yet, bilingual children often fill their case load. This can lead to over and under diagnosis. It further raises questions re the language of treatment and the language use at home.
Bilingualism Matters @ BIU.IL offers workshops and training that are aimed to advance understanding of the nature of bilingualism, typical milestones in bilingual acquisition, ways to disentangle bilingualism from Developmental language Disorders, and more.
Members of Bilingualism Matters @ BIU.IL are also happy to provide onsite support for Child Development Centers and Clinics both with pressing questions and with professional development.

Position paper of ISHLA (in Hebrew)
Training for SLTs, 25.10.19. Bar Ilan University. Hadar Oz-Abutbul, Carmit Altman and other members of Bilingualism Matters@BIU.IL offer training for DLD day on the profile of bilinguals, assessment of DLD in bilinguals and how to treat bilingual children in the clinic.
For Speech Language Therapists
Raise public awareness about multilingualism and multiculturalism in societal and educational contexts by providing information and advice for parents, educators, health providers and policymakers.
Encourage development of tools for parents to maintain the home language and to raise the awareness of teachers and clinicians about the need to include the home language in assessment procedures and intervention plans.
Influence state policy about multilingualism by promoting bilingualism in the education system, by encouraging employment of multilingual staff and interpreters in the health system and by developing and making available multilingual communal services.
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